
  • Elzabé Dürr Department of Social Work, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa.




Sexual desire disorders are both the most common and the most challenging of all the sexual
problems confronting practitioners. International statistics suggests that between 33% and 67%
of women indicate low sexual interest (Brezsnyak & Whisman, 2004; Davies, Katz & Jackson,
1999; Hicks, 2006; Pridal & LoPicollo, 2000). Little if any attention has been paid to the
subject of low sexual desire in women in South Africa, and the paucity of local research in the
field of sexual disorders (Robinson, 2005) means that there is a need for local perspectives on
the issue and for the development of local expertise in the realm of sexual health (Craig, 2002;
Smit, 1997).



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How to Cite

Dürr, E. (2014). WOMEN’S EXPERIENCE OF LACK OF SEXUAL DESIRE IN RELATIONSHIPS, AND IMPLICATIONS FOR INTERVENTION. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 45(3). https://doi.org/10.15270/45-3-203


