
  • Estelle De Wit Department of Psychology, University of the Free State
  • Dap Louw Department of Psychology, University of the Free State
  • Anet Louw Department of Psychology, University of the Free State



This study examined the patterns of contact and involvement between adolescents and their non-resident fathers after divorce. The data were analysed to determine the role of Lamb, Pleck and Levine’s (1986) three constructs in the involvement of non-resident fathers, i.e. interaction, availability and responsibility. The results indicated that the majority of male and female adolescents reported continued direct and indirect contact with their fathers, regardless of paternal remarriage and the lapse of time since the divorce. Boys reported higher levels of communication and feelings of emotional closeness than girls. Overall, the study postulates that non-resident fathers play a less significant role in providing parental guidance to their children.


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How to Cite

De Wit, E., Louw, D., & Louw, A. (2014). PATTERNS OF CONTACT AND INVOLVEMENT BETWEEN ADOLESCENTS AND THEIR NON-RESIDENT FATHERS. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 50(1), 116–133.


