
  • B.R Malherbe Maatskaplike Werk, Hugenote Kollege Wellington
  • K.L Van Bosch Programbestuurder by Durbanville Kinderhuis, Durbanville




Although performance appraisal is critical to the effective management of a welfare organisation the performance appraisal of social workers are often neglected, implemented incorrectly or regarded within a negative light.
This exploratory/descriptive study aimed to set scientifically grounded guidelines for the implementation of performance appraisal with regard to social workers. The idea was not to provide comprehensive guidelines regarding every aspect for performance appraisal, but to identify gaps and problems which may be studied in future research.
Through questionnairs the perceptions of performance appraisal by 38 social workers and four social work managers were tested and described.
It seemed that performance appraisal of social workers is geared towards development, and that social workers and social work managers do benefit from performance appraisal. Social workers were of the opinion that performance appraisal should be employed to identify gaps and development areas in equipping social workers professionally


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How to Cite

Malherbe, B., & Van Bosch, K. (2014). ’N ONDERSOEK MET BETREKKING TOT PRESTASIEBEOORDELING VAN MAATSKAPLIKE WERKERS IN WELSYNSORGANISASIES. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 39(2). https://doi.org/10.15270/39-2-373


