
  • Susanne Jacobs North-West University
  • Elmari Botha-Verhage LSEN School, Springs Gauteng



appreciative inquiry, World Cafe Method, Low socio economoc environment, mothers, relationships


This qualitative paper promotes the phenomenological understanding of how mothers from a low socio economic environment (LSEE) envision, design and implement their future perspective of their relationship with their children. In this single instrumental case study ddata were collected through two consecutive focus group discussions with twelve purposefully selected participants, utilising the World Café Method  and Appreciative Inquiry: 1)  to collect data; 2) as a research method that also facilitates change. Findings revealed difficulties envisioning a future and verbalising concepts such as dream, design and destiny. Findings reveal that boundaries are over or under realistic; dreams are clouded by parenting issues, however strong emotional interactions in relationships and wishes to fulfil children’s needs through open respectful communication and friendship exists. Insight is gained that togetherness influences relationships; the present influences the future, especially relating to how discipline is executed.   Mothers shared future plans for support.  Support needed for possible interventions in building on strengths to promote closeness in their relationships with their children is highlighted.


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Author Biography

Susanne Jacobs, North-West University

Faculty of Health Sciences




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