The typical timeline from article submission-to-publication ranges from a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 24 months.

  1. The first review feedback is provided within three months after submission.
  2. If revision and resubmission are recommended, authors have one month for the first round of revisions and resubmission.
  3. A second round of revision feedback is provided within three months after the first resubmission.
  4. If revision and resubmission are recommended again, authors are allowed another one-month period for the second round of revisions and resubmission.
  5. If the article is not accepted after the second round of resubmission, a final round of feedback is provided within three months.
  6. Authors are given one month for a third round of revisions and resubmission.
  7. An editorial decision is provided one month after the third round of revisions and resubmission.
  8. If the article is provisionally approved after any of the review rounds, the final editorial editing and publication queue time will not exceed 12 months from that point.
  9. Articles may be found unsuitable for publication after the first or second round of review and are usually rejected if they remain unsuitable after the third round.