
  • Herman Strydom Social Work, School of Psycho-Social Behavioural Sciences, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University, South Africa.
  • Susan Humpel Social Work Department, Potchefstroom Hospital Health Department, North West Province, South Africa.



Every woman, regardless of age, race or background with an unwanted pregnancy who
considers abortion as an option has a need for objective and professional counselling.
Legislation provides for pre-abortion counselling for the pregnant woman who requests
abortion (Howes & Green, 1997:18; Taylor, 1997:vi). The literature confirms the importance of
pre-abortion counselling for the pregnant woman who considers abortion as an option (Howes
& Green, 1997:18; McCulloch, 1996:67). It also indicates that pre-abortion counselling
corresponds with crisis intervention and calls for skills and expertise in the counsellor
(McCulloch, 1996:67; Schlossberg & Achtemeier, 1995:110; Sekudu, 2001:94; Van der Berg,
1997:78). Crisis intervention as a model for pre-abortion counselling is presented in this article,
accompanied by relevant contextual aspects and am emphasis on the importance of preabortion
counselling. Finally, the findings of the empirical investigation are also discussed.


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How to Cite

Strydom, H., & Humpel, S. (2014). AN EXAMINATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF PRE-ABORTION COUNSELLING. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 45(2).




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