
  • C Naudé Departement Maatskaplike Werk, Universiteit van Pretoria.
  • L.S. Terblanche Departement Maatskaplike Werk, Universiteit van Pretoria.




Centurion Community Services (CCS), a social service agency situated in Lyttelton,Pretoria, was founded in February 1999. The geographical area where services were rendered over the past four years has been transformed from a once quiet rural scene to a densely populated urban area. The founding of CCS testifies to a pro-active step to address anticipated social problems associated with urbanisation.
A qualitative study was launched with the aim to assess the community’s perception concerning CCS and whether this service is able to fulfil the needs and wants of the community with a view of development of guidelines for a consumer-based marketing strategy.
A schedule covering the seven critical areas of decision-making in a marketing strategy had been developed and utilised as a data collection instrument to collect data from respondents, who have all been beneficiaries in one way or another of this service.
It was found that a strategic planning process should be implemented in order to obtain clarity regarding the vision and mission of the organization; a marketing plan (which includes the strategic analysis, the SWOT analysis, marketing objectives and marketing strategy) should be applied extensively. A number of recommendations regarding critical decision making areas were also formulated.


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How to Cite

Naudé, C., & Terblanche, L. (2014). DIE ONTWIKKELING VAN ’N BEMARKINGSTRATEGIE VIR CENTURION GEMEENSKAPSDIENS. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 40(2). https://doi.org/10.15270/40-2-339


