
  • L.K. Engelbrecht Department of Social Work, University of Stellenbosch




The purpose of this article is to demonstrate, with reference to the work of Guttman, Eisikovits & Maluccio (1988), how a competence model of supervision for social workers and students in South Africa can be operationalised. This will be done by showing the relevance of a competence model for supervision in South Africa and by explaining, with reference to outcomes-based and empowerment supervision, the rationale behind the operationalisation of the competence model. The competence model will then be conceptualised so as to provide a theoretical foundation for the model. The operationalisation of the competence model is demonstrated by defining outcomes-based supervision, explaining the relevant principles of outcomes-based supervision, defining empowerment supervision, indicating the differences between traditional and empowerment supervision, and by clarifying the relevant principles of empowerment.


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How to Cite

Engelbrecht, L. (2014). OPERATIONALISING A COMPETENCE MODEL OF SUPERVISION TO EMPOWER SOCIAL WORKERS AND STUDENTS IN SOUTH AFRICA. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 40(2). https://doi.org/10.15270/40-2-344


