Social Policy for Devlepment. By HALL, Anthony & MIDGLEY, James
policy develpment, poverty, livelihood, social policy, povetyAbstract
Published by AGE 2004.
Reviewed by Antoinette Lombard
Social Policy for Development expands on previous works and provides a fresh, innovative look at
social policy and its legitimate sphere and role in the development process in the context of the
South where a more comprehensive, holistic and cross-sector livelihoods analysis is more
appropriate to address long-term issues of poverty and social deprivation. In line with this
argument/premise the book adopts a broader definition of social policy, namely the livelihoods
approach which incorporates economic, social, environmental and other dimensions that directly
or indirectly affect people's well-being in both foreseen and unforeseen ways. Within this broader
definition the goals of social policy emerge as multi-faceted, including poverty alleviation, social
protection, social inclusion and the promotion of human rights. The authors indicate that a
livelihoods approach acknowledges the poor people's strengths and assets for pro-active
participation in the development process and they bring together three core principles, namely a
focus on people, a holistic approach to analysis and policy prescription, and an emphasis on
macro-micro links.
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