
  • Rebecca Skhosana University of South Africa
  • Rinie Schenck University of the Western Cape
  • Petro Botha University of South Africa, Pretoria,






A qualitative study was conducted to develop an understanding of the social welfare services being rendered to street children in Pretoria and to ascertain what factors facilitate or hamper the rendering of these services. The research shows clearly that the funding required for ensuring the sustainability of the organisations is insufficient, and that the human resources are unstable. The article provides a critical analysis of some of the key social welfare service challenges that need to be addressed to ensure the effective and sustainable delivery of social welfare services.


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Author Biographies

Rebecca Skhosana, University of South Africa

Ms Rebecca Skhosana, Department of Social Work, University of South Africa

Rinie Schenck, University of the Western Cape

Professor Rinie Schenck, Department Social Work, University of the Western Cape

Petro Botha, University of South Africa, Pretoria,

Ms Petro Botha, Department of Social Work, University of South Africa, Pretoria,


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How to Cite

Skhosana, R., Schenck, R., & Botha, P. (2014). FACTORS ENABLING AND HAMPERING SOCIAL WELFARE SERVICES RENDERED TO STREET CHILDREN IN PRETORIA: PERSPECTIVES OF SERVICE PROVIDERS. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 50(2). https://doi.org/10.15270/50-2-396




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