
  • Felistas Nhedzi UNISA
  • Mankwane Makofane UNISA



This paper discusses the experiences of twelve social workers as providers of family preservation services. The sample was selected through purposive and snowball sampling. Data were collected through face-to-face semi-structured interviews, which yielded rich information on a host of challenges experienced by social workers. Some of the challenges entail the parents’ reluctance to participate in family preservation services, their unwillingness to care for their children, non-adherence to intervention plans, protection of perpetrators of child abuse by family members, traditional practices, lack of resources and low salaries. These challenges have an adverse effect on the morale and wellbeing of social workers


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Author Biographies

Felistas Nhedzi, UNISA

Department of Social Work


Mankwane Makofane, UNISA

Professor, Department of social Work

University of South Africa


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